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Ideas for Software / Apps 📱

Mobile apps or a SaaS designed for a group of people

Latest Business Ideas

Business Idea: An app where shows them the best deals on drones
targeting drones niche
~ 200k

Business Idea: An app where they can find the hottest candies from all over the world
targeting candy all over the world niche
~ 265k

Business Idea: An app where the app saves all their favorite pizza recipes
targeting people who like pizza niche
~ 263k

Business Idea: An app where a person can use their boat detailing skills to earn money
targeting boat detailing niche
~ 830k

Business Idea: An app where they can buy and sell shaved ice
targeting shaved ice niche
~ 113k

Business Idea: An app where they can get in touch with a cleaner from their area
~ 1m

Business Idea: An app where they can shop for medical supplies online and have them delivered to the hospital they work at
~ 673k

Business Idea: An app where someone can upload his woodworking projects
targeting woodworking niche
~ 2m

Business Idea: An app where they can share their wedding planning experience
targeting wedding planning niche
~ 216k

Business Idea: An app where they can find local bbq restaurants and rate them
targeting people who love bbq niche
~ 19m

Monetize Software / Apps

... with ads, monthly subscriptions, or by paying to download/install


... by catering to a specific market, saving time, competing on price, or doing it better than existing solutions

Tools for Making Apps 🛠️

Bubble Logo

Bubble is the easiest way to create applications without using code.

Expo Logo

Expo is an open-source platform for making universal native apps for Android, iOS, and the web with JavaScript and React.

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