Here are 73 commands you can use in our long form editor, with more coming every week.
They go great with our ai-powered templates.
Takes a sentence and generates a story using AI.
Generate listicle items for a given blog post
Give us a blog title and get an introduction paragraph back
Helps you breakdown what you should talk about in a blog post.
Get title ideas for your blog post
Creates a character to use in stories, books or anything really!
Writes a conclusion paragraph for blogs or an essay
Generates the "conclusion" to a cover letter.
Generates the "intro" to a cover letter.
Generates a paragraph dedicated to prior work experience for a cover letter.
Generates a paragraph dedicated to your professional abilities.
Takes a description and turns it into a job duty
The education requirements of a job
Takes bullet points and generates an employee review / performance review
Takes a question and attempts to explain it like a professor.
Get an answer back for a commonly asked question.
Takes a topic and generates a list of questions.
Takes a description and comes up with a headline
Takes a term and comes up with a glossary-style definition
Takes keywords and makes them more human sounding.
Grades an answer to an interview question
How hard an interview will be
Answers an interview question
Generates a list of questions for a job interview
Get questions for a job interview
Given a job description, gives a list of objectives
Provide a job title and get back daily and monthly responsibilities
Give a job title, gives you the skills needed for the job.
Takes a word and tries to create a sentence with that word in it.
Takes a keyword and comes up with a simple content strategy
Takes a keyword and generates a paragraph
Creates a magic list with a focus on whats in the document.
Creates a magic paragraph with a focus on whats in the document.
Generates a mission statement for your business
Takes a topic and generates poem titles
Generates a "body" paragraph for a press release when given a "fact"
Generates the "intro" for a press release.
Generates a "quote" that you can use for press releases
Generates a "title" for a press release given a description.
Give the name of the product and what it is, and we'll generate a product description
A product review intro inspired by NYT's Wirecutter Blog
Generates quiz questions based on a topic.
Takes a simple answer and expands it
Takes a theme and comes up with a quote.
Generates song lyrics based on a topic
Given a product, gives you reasons to buy and avoid the product
Writes a resignation letter given a job title and a short reason for leaving
Provide your name and what you do, then get a bio for your resume
Generates "experience" items for use in a resume.
Generates the "professional summary" portion of a resume.
Generates "skills" items for use in a resume.
Rewrites your text and tries to say things in a different way.
Generates words that rhyme with the word you provide
Generates a sentence that starts with a keyword.
Generates a chorus for a song based on a topic
Generates a song title based on a description
Takes a plot and generates an outline for a story
Takes a tourist attraction and writes an intro paragraph.
Takes a city and writes a short intro paragraph about the city.
Creates keywords related to video content
Creates a video outline for 1-Click Videos