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Ideas for Events 📅

Organize an event for a group of people

Latest Business Ideas

Business Idea: An event where undefined
targeting drones niche
~ 200k

Business Idea: An event where a team of wedding planners organize and execute a wedding for a recently married couple
targeting wedding planning niche
~ 216k

Business Idea: An event where they can gather and make friends
targeting people who love bbq niche
~ 19m

Business Idea: An event where the event organizer provides a recipe of a new and innovative way to make pancakes
~ 22m

Business Idea: An event where a local band plays covers from some of the most known 90’s punk bands.
~ 280k

Business Idea: An event where they can learn how to become a better model.
~ 4m

Business Idea: An event where they can bring their trains and have a show to display their favorite trains, or a place where everyone can enjoy building and creating their own model trains.
targeting model trains niche
~ 87k

Business Idea: An event where antique dealers gather to sell their collectibles.
targeting I love antiques niche
~ 156k

Business Idea: An event where the DJ spins records dating back to the 1960's.
~ 1m

Business Idea: An event where students can interview startup companies virtually.
~ 4m

Monetize Events

... by charging an entry fee, letting vendors have booths


... by making it *the* event that a particular group of people want to go to

Tools for Launching an Event 🛠️

Eventbrite Logo

Eventbrite is an online event-planning site where you can create an event page, register attendees, track attendance, and sell tickets online.

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