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Ideas for Electronics 📺

Electronic devices designed for a group of people

Latest Business Ideas

Business Idea: An electronic device where size of the object can be set
targeting woodworking niche
~ 2m

Business Idea: An electronic device where you can cook pancakes with the push of a button
~ 22m

Business Idea: An electronic device where they can put their devices while they wash and detail cars
~ 4m

Business Idea: An electronic device where it can clean your dirty dishes
~ 958k

Business Idea: An electronic device where the device is capable of controlling a candle's burning time
targeting i love candles niche
~ 19k

Business Idea: An electronic device where they can simply plug in their headphones and listen to a workout and follow the instructions.
~ 25m

Business Idea: An electronic device where the user can plug in his cell phone and listen to his favorite music while he is going to sleep
~ 159k

Business Idea: An electronic device where you can listen to music and/or podcasts and it is also a flashlight so you can read in the dark and/or find your way in the dark
~ 5m

Business Idea: An electronic device where you could play chess
~ 188k

Business Idea: An electronic device where you plug your computer's USB port, and it provides you a website ranking report.
~ 221k

Monetize Electronics

... by charging per sale or incorporating a monthly subscription component


... by improving health, saving lives, saving time/money, providing entertainment, competing on price, or doing it better than existing solutions

Tools for Sourcing Electronics 🛠️

Alibaba Logo

Alibaba connects businesses to global manufacturers. Using Alibaba, a business can find a manufacturer to create bulk (customized) products, and have them imported into their country.

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